The Project "Innovative production technologies of biopreparation based on new generation's eggs (OVOCURA)" has been conducted within a contract signed on 29 January 2009 between the Wroclaw University of Environmental and Life Sciences and the Data Processing Centre in Warsaw (DPC/OPI). The consortium of the Wroclaw University of Environmental and Life Sciences and the Wroclaw Medical University have taken full responsibility for performing the scientific and research tasks.
Thanks to the transfer of knowledge, the Project is in line with the aims of the Innovative Economy Operational Programme 2007 - 2013 (action 1.3.1). It will promote the competitiveness of science and its role in economic development as well as the potential to increase shares of Polish innovative products in international markets.
One of the most important elements of the quality of life is nutrition, especially food supplements. These issues constituted a major part of the research carried out within the Project.
Biotechnological industries have shown a growing interest in the use of bioactive substances in prophylaxis of civilization diseases.
Aim of the Project
The aim of the Project was to perform complex research taking into account the food production chain with its full monitoring in order to obtain a defined material that may be used for the production of highest quality new generation diet bio-supplements (nutraceuticals) based on egg material. It was very important to find how to make use of the biological potential of “new generation eggs” produced with respect to nature, ethics and animal welfare, according to a special feeding programme for layer hens based on organic and mineral substances.
The main objective of the studies was to develop innovative technologies of recovering the biologically active substances from hen’s eggs and find possible ways of their biotechnological modification in order to create new bio-substances that may be widely used as nutraceuticals and bio-medical preparations.
Based on the latest achievements in biotechnology and nanotechnology, it was important for us to find:
- new generation diet supplements,
- biosubstances for food preservation,
- biomedical preparations for prophylaxis and therapy of civilization diseases.
The results achieved
The achieved results far exceeded our expectations. It has been shown that the content of the eggs is a very interesting biological material that can be used not only as a food resource, but also as a starting material for the production of nutraceuticals, bio-medical preparations, cosmetics and biosubstances for food preservation.
The project outcomes:
- Production of new generation designed eggs, naturally enriched with bioactive substances, as a starting material for the production of nutraceuticals and biomedical preparations,
- A comprehensive technology to recover biologically active substances from the egg for dietary supplements, biomedical preparations and also food preservation and packaging systems,
- Technology of calcium preparations based on egg shells for the prevention of osteoporosis,
- Research of ovophospholipids and their applications in prevention of civilization diseases,
- A cutting-edge method of obtaining electrophoretically high- purity mono-and dimeric cystatin, and its application in the treatment of cancer diseases,
- Manufacturing methods of biopeptides from the egg material using enzymatic hydrolysis,
- A discovery of a new substance - Yolkina, of great importance in the treatment of neurodegenerative diseases.
The project meets the criteria of modern scientific achievements and business perspectives. It takes into account the highest level of research and laboratory analysis, involves young staff and creates a new model of cooperative links.
It is assumed that other scientific and research institutions as well as economic entities with advanced equipment and experience will be engaged in further activities envisaged in the Project. The aims of the Project were in line with the scientific and economic activity of the NUTRIBIOMED Cluster, the largest Polish consortium comprising more than 50 stakeholders dealing with new generation food products, nutraceuticals and biomedical preparations.